Resident Evil 2 Ps1 Gameshark Codes (2025)

Resident Evil 2 Ps1 Gameshark Codes (1)█ Resident Evil 2 Ps1 Gameshark Codes

May 3, 2011 - Find all our Resident Evil 2 Game Shark Codes for PlayStation. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, hints, tips, tricks, and secrets for the PlayStation (PSX).

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Fight Brad As Zombie

Do not pick up any items or weapons on your way to the police department. When you reach the police department, go down the stairs outside, waiting there, there will be Brad the helicopter pilot from the first resident evil, only now, he is a zombie. Either charactor can do this, but only in the first scenario. He will be harder tofight than any other zombie, so be careful. It will take somewhere around 30 handgun bullets to kill him. When or if you kill him, you can pick up a key off him that will allow you to access the lockers on the eastern side of the police department by the stairs. Note: The only way this code work is in original mode on easy or normal. Do not choose arange mode.

Shotgun Parts(Leon)

To get the Shotgun parts for Leon reach the partwhere you team up with Ada at the umbrellabuilding. In the first room that looks like a Ygo to the left end of it. There will be Shotgunparts.

Handgun Parts

To get the handgun parts, in the place where Leongives Claire a radio there is a drawer. Use asmall key or the lockpick to open it. Inside arethe handgun parts.

Tyrant's Ammuntion

In Leon or Claire's second scenario, the player will constantly run into a giantsuper zombie called Tyrant. Every time a Tyrant is defeated, the player can stealhis ammunition: Shotgun shells or magnum bullets for Leon, and grenade rounds orbow gun bolts for Claire.

Easy Gator Kill

When fighting the gator, and he starts coming towards you, go and inspect theyellow light on the left wall. Then, the light will fall off and the gator willeat it. Now while the light is in its mouth, shoot it and the gator willexplode.

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Safe Combination

The combination to the safe in front of the chief's desk at the police office,with all the zombies, is 2236. Open it to find shotgun shells and a map.

Final Stage Bonus Room

The final stage has a bonus room that can be entered through a long but easyprocess. In the first scenario, have Leon or Claire use the red lab key card toenter the room with the giant flying moth. Kill the moth. Find the keyboardattached to the wall, kill the larvae on it and type your name in on the keyboardas 'GUEST'. Register your fingerprint. Go to the first floor of the lab and find thethumbprint reader panel. Use your fingerprint, and the panel should then ask for asecond 'fingerprint verification.' Complete the game, and save the secondscenario to any file. In the second scenario from the game you have just played,go to the final stage. Find the room on the first floor of the lab where wrigglingplant vines are blocking the vent. The red lab key card should be there. Take itand go to the moth room with the keyboard. Enter your name as 'GUEST' andregister your thumbprint. Finally, go to the first floor and find the thumbprintreader. It should ask for the 'secondary fingerprint verification.' Do it, and thebonus room to the right of the panel should be unlocked. Look for a specialweapon inside.

Ranking System

The herb power-ups can be mixed using the 'combine' command for varying, butvery beneficial results. This will also save storage space for holding puzzle items.Here is a listing of some herbal combinations and the outcomes:

Hidden Ammunition

While playing Leon's scenario, take the infinite ammunition shotgun and go to theroof where the helicopter crashed. Stand near the door leading inside, and makesure that a close-up view of Leon appears. Then, aim the shotgun at the screenand fire. Bullet holes will now appear. Note: This may also be done at anylocation where Leon can aim at the screen with the shotgun.

Film D

Search the desk on the left side of the S.T.A.R.S. office. The phrase 'Itstrashed someone must have searched it' will be displayed. Repeatedly search thedesk approximately fifty times until a roll of film is found. Take the film anddevelop it in the photo lab to see a picture of Rebecca in a basketball uniform.


Select 'Options' from the main menu or press Select while playing a game. Enterthe 'Key Config' screen, select 'Type C', then select 'Exit'. The quick auto-aimfeature should now be enabled. Hold R1 to get Leon or Claire to pivot and aim atany zombie they see, and press L1 while holding R1 to change targets. Note: Youstill have to hold Down to aim at crawling zombies and Up to aim at highertargets.

Alternate Uniforms

Start a game on the normal difficulty setting. Then, go to the police stationwithout collecting any items. Quickly move past the zombie that appears in thealley near the police station. Collect the shotgun, then kill the zombie. Takethe special key from the zombie's body and go to the dark room to open thelockers with alternate uniforms. Claire has a single alternate uniform, with aquick shooting revolver. Leon has two alternate uniforms, one of which will allowhim to shoot with one hand.

Tofu Scenario

Successfully complete either character's first and second scenarios in less thanthree hours. Then, play the game again with the other character, and successfullycomplete their first and second scenarios in less than three hours. Play the gamea third time and complete either character's first and second scenarios again inless than three hours. Note: The game must be saved less than twelve times duringeach of the six scenarios played and bonus weapons must not be used. Tofu is apiece of tofu (food) that must reach the second floor of the police station fromthe sewer with just battles and no puzzles. Tofu can not use any weapons otherthan a knife.

Hunk Scenario

Successfully complete either character's second scenario in under two hours andthirty minutes with saving less than twelve times. Hunk is a soldier that mustreach the second floor of the police station from the sewer with just battles andno puzzles.

Bonus Weapons

Resident Evil 2 Ps1 Gameshark Codes (3)

Successfully complete either character's first scenario in under two hours andthirty minutes with an A or B ranking for the rocket launcher with infiniteammunition. Successfully complete either character's second scenario in under twohours and thirty minutes hours with an A or B ranking for the gatling gun withinfinite ammunition. Successfully complete either character's second scenario inunder three hours with an A or B ranking for the machine gun with infiniteammunition. Note: The bonus weapon will appear in the next game after the firstchest is opened.

Play As Chris Redfield

Successfully complete level 2 of Extreme Battle/Survival mode.

Play As Ada Wong

Successfully complete level 1 of Extreme Battle/Survival mode.

Extreme Battle/Survival Mode

Beat the game with Leon, then save the game. Then, play Claire's second scenario,beat the game, and save the game.

Infinite Ammo

Go to the menu were you can switch manuel toauto set it to manuel hold R1 and press squareuntil manual turns red. You now have infiniteammo.

We have no unlockables for Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Dallas Scott.Read the full guide..

Created by: SoliAnt08.Read the full guide..

Resident Evil gameshark codes Resident Evil GameShark Codes Resident Evil GameShark Codes these codes also work for Director's Cut And soon I'll have codes for Resident Evil 2 (the demo) If you have any questions don't e-mail me figure it out for you'r self.Enjoy.

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Resident Evil 2 Ps1 Gameshark Codes (2025)
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