The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1. The Ilrikshire Tuesday. April 23 Contracting 1 9 Automcb1L2s 11 AutomebUes 11 Auto. Truck Ltosing HA Coll An Expert 29 POURIttl comrcoayn poymnaysoks, mA 044 44.14,111 444 0,3. hip Wanted Male 33 Help Wanted Female 32 Personals 7 ti turgtptuoug loomok row gorefrowit OA 00-vvnoe.

(MOO raw 1.3 I 1,1 US. 14 IV 0.1 444 t.a. Lost round 10 OSAUTIOUL. tithg, an4, wawir. poweNhl 004 kg 41--or Vtvw Vooc da how Ila JAI Mi oe sm PO40TOS OIL.

(01.011E U. tin )o st)o CA I I APO, TO Ut Ooe alp 'ores boos 04,4, mr Loo 1,4 ad. 0,0 CACI. TINUCIKS, tAmP11111 POI OMNI. i.e...

W. se. tAt le St IL od, 444 1.0,1 CNVN04.11 Lassotoot opotitcloa le 5,41 MALISU. Itut II. 4 4p4441 1)1 Pe4ovuuri-Of Chei 141 "I tsew IONAGOIS, 1444 Autoopetw4.

I co, trmiwf UP.V1401,.. IMPALA 4.014VIIITtlit I 1041 PvIwuu)tC, ierP. Viol 0)1144 teoppuetpue psuut lotto 44 144 up ko rot ,114, 6'14 44) NS re. LPN'. PrVIIIIIIIAIDP0 kr 0 S.

I etrrill floet wow onei 4 4rnit 4j PO 1.0 reowirso 1411 oty ,4 feeervoOlory 0 0 Plvol Pri yor orprm411 slaw, pow 110,0 OA P.M it 410.0 0,0 rietviirr. 111111100 P100111114 (31 I ONAMI( 1.0 me(sftiC I) ovwwwve psi ave. atla pve a 004 Eyli, Or Weal Waf atonot, h.ith 0,4 ktn OW C.14'0, 44)V144 td I. ap Plow, CalNeef 1,0 Ct Int 31,1 kart SttWA Wain Trucks 12 111000 Pt Aa011040 MOO Al. Tao, Call Lou WIC 111 POW" in COW 666 10110 6, It 6, jI P.

6,46 .1 movv, 1 1,11, Nan g4i 06-flot 0,1 II AU ituonLoocii, outLoiw eml repair. 11. mg flowoo, a. 6664 PP Jo. Tr, lonousio tA 111J4 411I0166, 110116, 666'w 00606, 0461641 6666 1141 11161, onS 6, .1106, a.

646 Pet LIAM! 1,1010 tilltiC111 too i p-evol, 14JO 11141 SI, 0,00 44 0014 ofwv I try. Piano Tuning 29A PIANO TUNIM 0.0AN SPertAt lif htiHMI 1VMAN111(1, 44i Orill r-- Plitlitkr10 TIOUCK IVICHANIC, wow r.0 Land Lofto end uuwi IOU TO Po441. din itv41 RfAmottanig NAOMI XPANDIN PURL SHIM I rn 0.44 krqt 1,4 it ,40. I 01.01, (0 Ift POUND LNI ON VAINS IVAICN, (.4 Nq pita. t401 Demon 14,4414.4 OUND et Ue PIAMOO 'loose Ott.un.

LOOT. Milli OrtiOtOttill Of, We'. lk b041 An4 'Oft AI n0 LI 4444 ri444441 41. Ott 4)4 ow 4 go tto ott' Litette AtAtidAN tosio ton. Ion ibe 1O, Aloof newer Mee 0,144 Rug Cleaning 20A DUNIP POIO 10 TON, irli sti C004(11oill voloot)eig VAN tie cv4k.owo COS V.M11406, too P.w Upho Istotring 293 OA At I 111 00 omp 111.

PaSs Mow( tw hoF og it, Ion a $10 44) 1141111111e111111( 1114 finos, 441111 1 40.01 1644 too 01.1tmotrit. tv II Pronto I I tor.0.,,In, co-s OW, 4464 In(, 814441 Ana. 441 4444 PO14114( 11ATe914 114A4)ON, 1 4 4 hi 4 ot too P4441 11, r4 4'4U. PO4114C 11114POST 0111414TOP, 1161 111,44444 Vninentnnon. noto 0.0 WM, 444 PC414114C WAGON, oieS Pews, poossso stowing se ftsi We, on.

vomit, Pow mit, Iwo No PRI. Poo 4164.fne rt fo, ebos woos Vous, 11,41 4414644 tAi.t PA AMINVCASO 16414'04 44) 1101 or 114.4 141141, 141111 41611411 ASsISASSArodal DOI AVSOOMOIPI, ivtPrtiM SEW) WI, 4,0. (ano OW 11,41 441 440. SAM1111111, liose Vsoosr sowd sowtol000. Poo fuao tronoe44not wur14.

1441 4411511 onto' a 0 NLil AmaPICAN 961. lowwww4 6,44,4 441 hi 4.4,146 414,44 Ins 444 64,4 AAI. 11111, Wood (wink. Pooll 44 13 towerAm tjAtt, St? tUtAli t'M it DAM. 1,440 yawn oforn 1164,01111 trib.Serl001, r'10 r.O re tow nco os Chrytler't irrvirb.

ort Pti4Vdtr Iiai worrin1y1 on tnis cile A wool OA, oil Foreign Cot I PrO i.rmr1 S1, 442. 011. ASUPOterilltlim A spur IALVV bh- I I go Impod, lea 44 144 It PRIAlitS Alk0 SICSPI WWI woMi fes4 tylOttip 044444 040 Ittterwitoe P1 in iSto totoq. 6,40 44 2tor POND 46 lopi me Slobs 1001 outt I.e, vtsni Vtold lion. t) so i 44 1.1 iONAL.

TAIO011M, 11,14. yotd tooty ortyPt s.oi to. tA frtt. 111.w..,41. PUGS SHAMPOOS() Smot Some )fir Pms I Pv, Moot Cell PM1 444I4 of 01 Glass 29C wANTIO.

OP LPN Ail Attic (Convet1411I ,103 te41 two, 1.1.1f1,A taiO 6114 JJ CP11101 Ulf ImPAtA SLOPS. Irtvi ttoi Vp 044,404, Pvrevot ivOetvvinio liko si 4044, iVkto n.110. von 4 4.4,4 10,11 tivel0 11,44 SI OS Sift Alir0 itA I ov( Al Arrow. Coo 1011.Nott, tit low AI avv, tot ttetetetuAlt 11 POVit tv00111 ImPALA, ttuo tovvvlatd tr, dot. 4Evo4 4.44r4411 kofl, 444 1 tv ut BSI.

oil STAI V4 A C4Vvvv 166 IL Ivitoment Povoiv 0,440414, .4184,, Wit 4 re, itt4 44o-4044o (NOV it-otgvA, Ittik ellottPott AttiontatPowo, tie, CS Maks tit (NI vit(1LII, P. 4 )1P4). sot044 ,41 CbtIVIOLIT 00UM DOOR Stanm, tsoo. $I'M Lon to soon It Coos L. P111- 44 IOUi LAO Co 11 tobt DOS Shritiwt, v'moly t4uth Msuettiva 0 Dei 443,1010 iDit fkot $ACfL1, I 44; i44 INTIIIINATIONAL TRUCKS, SAIIII A000 morvita Pooloo Matwo, Of4, IOC 11, D.

60 040i, Dressmaking 21 pm Pi OYINS Plitt DEO plow 8. APIkm wen, Poipmc Ifitoff tent pal, and .11 'rinsed, has sesoird tUnittontd MI on. ft, PAIP fontrs coonduf 1,4 0. 00400 for eti iced lohreapel in, 4,4 pm immidays, Asti hi the Mood 101.1h01( al Wlo 'rn leo, IsrimAlogt AND OP PUI 104011411t11 toe dIr Inv I.d tomqm4 W000 boo PIAIT At AUTO IOUY MAN, steady 0, 344 24.1 pOUMDMJNt A MACHIN' TONDO ter 6mall POPS N1.11 ko Honn(kor, HjiM9 ovomobto vogy Good po tor tighl pArson. Writ giving OvillittLAtiOni to Comoocook Vaikry PAO, CO-, sox la, Milford, New AUTO Otaal INSTAL LIM Versa and hilAt tAn6 irAl 010 CtintS ahup.

1) tt 41, 011,1 A41 AUTO (LAt tap, konta ws talt an. poi, anan.4I I SECRETARY 8'141 t. 000, 11 Imo now o.4 owe 4,09 it, tt 44.1 tia 1 NO 4 A 1.111. 11,,111. ter.u,6 t4 1 Vai 441 4-oS ALTO OAT bIpdAIitL il000rt.

174TIONAYIONAL TOWCA Id SALIN. Moak at I to ta Si NIL tori, Lae, 14.) VOLKSA61114 VAN, Ittt. tear gyimam. tont, paw) a a9. MACY Atatta4 WILLYS POCKUP TRUCK, 1.44, Poor drk.

od.11 pow. tOndt tiOn. 4641 NO. "opt 0. of

i 6,0 loPy'S P. 1, i 443 fur, INTEASSTINO POSITION kr OW 7 to 1 la PLAS1 GLASS CO. SAirI Altil SitKING on Articulate, tActtut Od 1, WOO" rxi accwits pit ken V. ill 9.2003 1 442 411.L moo gergy SrvIcs. 44 1 Wilt Hew Ccrs 1 C3 Insuktion, Roofing 22 11111111(1104til SPORTS (All, D.C., Meg.

Co 114,4, A4st." 6,4 AA Co. tine uso4 crs, Y7 Cots kood kortri Moine. IPal 664440, LASS smoe, lit Sea 'Konen St. sa.ees Please apply: to order, screen twm prodvcis F. Pike, Dial 4430611 Personnel Office OLOSS SHOP, tit Viaatconatt St.

Seabee made to order, Ieun evom prodocts P. Pike, Diet 44345611 cHaveLLE, Nowg 1006041 Caw pocOac etc, Muff oil. Lae 24- aus, ftv I pm ABOVII ALL A GOOD 000. yoos roofing, It.01111VJM Pine laid 001 rwa CO 1, Perk Ass, 44.1-Sott. iNTINNATIONA4.

i k011 TEMPEST CUSTOM CONVERTISLE, 1964. velleKte- vfoolohc. Good condi. ticm. 447-7231 ono, 4 Automobiles 11 SOUTNOAtIl MOTORS, INC.

MC OtALIA ion 140VIIATONIC JIMMY DIAL 443716 MARTINO'S GLAIR CO. All typos 64 glass WIturnc rewa(itmontS. $42 Ito" ST 041 4ft-016 tat normal cw Omorgemcy sorw.ct ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD. intutNof roofing of t.rtrit say tw-ms A. Word CIL, 15 Newell I.

Pail A42 5560. POLL TIMI Sail VICK STATION ATTENDANT, edit 21. Must fidiVe in( III kcIIon Work. toady ern-Ploy mhnt with Rli. (sews ANS fewer-am benetit*, AOhiy Don 11 E10 Wyk comer, Stowtil No phone calla.

coseveLin SUPER IPOET 1044, 344 hp. 4 speltd. inIttlothowliettert p4c49 tondos Wel, renrY. Pivi mane triOre xtra. Ole 443 CI pftif 4 )0.

COMET 404. 1964. cyhoolor automatic. exczunt Dial aim BERKSHIRE MEDICAL CENTER ALPA QM110 SPY01111 Itee, U. Flee $peed box.

acellent condition. $9. firm. Greet berrtwen, A2e-croc7 111IND, D0011 WAPOTOP, MI. Dew bWil power.

Aptometic. A.r 000d.I4xwel. ada. red ttnisit eittl polices 100. Vt PM" Vinyl keterlor, No rvet, $OPS.

LEO AUTO SALES, of AMOCO Goo Sthon. corner Hemp ond tot Sousatoplc Street, Dll Tailoring, Pressing 30 Trailers 12A D1SLIM FOR Nimit01) CAmposS. so. Soryk olVaiste Stole Barro(ki, Rte. 1.

CnaoA, Coml. Tel. 2011124.7a11. COMET POUR DOOR, Iti41. AwtotnaticVory good concolon.

boot Vise av opood. A42-955t. ReSSEAVING, MENDING, REPAIRING MAO On all AI tons. All week Spinning Venssl le) eiciren Si. 442-AISV GA PI OK le R.

reitateki. Oteted ett per1411710 take core at grounds of ems II property roar Lee, pyrex ma ten" IS to IS noon weekly May. Ocloter. Must nee, cram car. Write Sloe legs Office.

Leo. MO Pittsfield General Unit 725 North Street TAIUMPO4 0411111ALD CONVIITIBLE, too.o. 115A Itittsh44 Motors. solos nct sontico, 791, Dolton A oonoo, 441-003 UICK SPECIAL STATION WAGON HA V6, Ext. liont conothoft.

Dal 443577s. EUICK ELECTRA TES POUR DOOtt HARDTOP, It66 Fully equipped Him q.corwlitionloa. Silvee privy with block l.Yt 011. Oo owtof Low poIoo3o. optykl Fully guarseloNt.

DENPSEY'S PONTiAC-ELiCK GA. AGE, Of, Sibr In9hyt CADILLAC WM iscAllent cerwAlloot. SSe Co3 mlioss Dod RxsHIII 11100PING AND Insulation Company. Certified nottcators of I) S. umInum VeliT aluminum tom avestrougils.

aro. ye'IMO'S. Call Harr Vincant. Da AO. 3100.

Hama illoactoo and insutation Co, Al Alummum 11.ama, blown-in finergiabs, MOON; Of tY0011. Arocianfial, cammirCial and Industrial. Dial 442440. HAGEN INSULATION. Super.111 What for CallmQI and Switrwatia a homes.

For Ire 'inmates cii Etoctte cat Srvic aci-ino. Help Wanted Female 32 C094319. CAI-11NY' 1941 4 DOOR sEDAN. Cyhrd.q UtOnlatit, 11 WS. Guy's Au.

160 Tywo Suites, 41131714. COIVAI 1 D0011. MI. rook stood, rd neK)141, 9994,49. Good cor91.01,0n.

D9l 442.934 0149 pm GROUNDSMAN AND CUSTODIAN. Git per irws wart lawn wow rave irdrcor lwnaorail dtalts. Owit 190.pc, L. 243- asoo. VALIANT SIGNET CONVENTIBLI ISM.

AtosomNc tioor thin. Bud'', ANL Good condltiorL 6143CL WAITISSIES, toll and port timie. Reese working condttions. Elentyro, Le410X, htast. 041 631-0415.

WAITRESSES FULL OR PART Tome. Apply In peeson, Mr. George. Lenox House Restaurant. Pittsfield Lome Rood.

CORSAIR TRAILERS STARCRAFT CAMPERS Now ON DISPLAY AT PIvero's Auto Tra Ilor Solos, 169 Wohconah St. APPLICATIONS WILL 1111 TAKEN for nip gosItiona Opening up as se expand. PN'S, gradual LPN Ali Volt Cell Asnmer Manor Nursing Hoes, Hinsdale 64 7910 or ASS HT. I to I GUARDS VOLKSWAGEN Sul, pa Ported, moo. ning goof.

os him ter As is SGS 1142. CORYAIR mONLA COUPE. ISO. $lot 041 442-Co0 CORVAIR root DOOR SEDAN, 1144. SAI Ve OU 'OM, IC ea 9.

Srti MACY'S GARAGE, Shetiold. Z7S-1777. CAMARO CONVIIIITISLIL Mit M4tuntaie green. 34 Pip. 4 speed trmtrnituon.

434 reer-orbd. 441-14117. VOLKIWAGIN SIDAN ttfrt. sew, tiros. Podia.

PO. M26434 week. ocis. PEOPLE'S ANO SIDING COMPANY. MI work guaranteed.

RootIng leaks a soeva ity. Siding. gutters made uo and repaired. for tree estimates. Dial 443.1504.

WOMAN WANTED To HELP PRIEPAIII in allover'. Apply VAL'S RESTAURANT, Main Stroot. Great It arroNton. WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. Care of 2 children.

One day weekly. Otis, 209-100. WANTED Ner race track. AisersslimaWIE WM 1 employment. Un 1 IOMMS kW.

nisned. Time end one hart for en1WWIIMO Must have Veer record, Nave air, be over 21 years old, end neat appearing. Semi retired people cCepted. DNA 442 esEl CH.VBILII MALIBU 00011 HAROTOP DO. VA ulornatIc tramsmlition, pow" stomIAB Navin At110 Sates, 711 Newell SI, 44137A0 LIVIIIN NOUSEKEEPIN wanted tor eIderly lady.

Aeons May I. 442345a. ASSISTANT NECIPTIONIST PO DENTAL OFFICE. Must hare Pleasant Per' Send 1 OtY and moat appearance. Slate Quablicallont.

Write Nos 3ag, Eagle CS. ftctt. Apache Camping Trailers 0010 frivol traitors and on x. panned lino cot camping onolonsont. bort sanft Camper, Route I Adams, Mass.

Open 6-9 10-S, Sun. I. 5. T.I. 7434400 VOLKSWAGEN CONVIATIBLE Ital.

I. calint condition. Dial 04 dtlit. CORVAIR I DOOR, Mt White. 'locket 0004.

00410. rusat.r. rod intrtOr. Ault malic. Maki floc 443-42611, DIFSOTO 1111110011A11, ISO.

363. Totowa. tilt. transmission. But otror.

Cali Of 140r a all 0 Saturday and SundaY, Ri CPIMO nd OS 3361. Moving, Storage 25 LEGAL NOTICES WOMAN FON occasioNAL SAISYSIT liNG, days and evenings. Louise Street area Dial es flat. VOSASAOIN, tea Low ortiitiode. Stadia, dos tooter.

Exceilent condition. Wa-Sotlf. OUTS MOTORS SHOWROOM CONDI. TION used cars. Wnere customers send friends.

426 East Dial 443-itt3t. PdI 1 POOT PICKUP CAMPER, $ISTS. Aftw ol0000r toot trailer, CON. PERS CORNER In She 4fiold your Camel, Skaropor, Trodowincio 000lor. Help Wanted Male 33 CHAMSalmAir).

A mature weenan Sao live in with family 04 2 anima. Best wages arod accommodations. Rotomencas required. On bus On, Write Or call, Mn. Bruce Cfana, 43 Main Dalton, maw tu-oloo.

00001, 111161. Auiwnstic. conditon. SPX. Pea le call 424606 ttf IMMEDIATE OPENING I am looking for two mature.

corocin flout, hard.woting mon. willing to apply thrnsotvos and leorn a field a future. No previous xporionc nines. Ivy. Company Portents, paid vocation.

sick loaves. insurance uniforms and retirornent plan. ARNOFF MOVING a STORAGE, INC, ACROSS ROAD OR ACROSS NATION Also Agent for North American Van Lines oil The GENTtEmen of the Moving industry FALCON 11. Pod utornallt tritt $100. 01611 442-36 ttr NIMROD Novrest Moos in camping trainers by America' largest mokr.

County's only outhorirod Nimrod dookor, bonny 'N' Sport, 243 North It. CHAMBERMAID. MATURE WOMAN, Most have own transportation. Call 443- 9431. IXIICUTIVE CAC SAVE, SAVO, CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COoPe, VS, utomotiC.

POWer stoorlog and brakes. Radio. Lots of xtra'. Grettn. Soo 11 it DolIort Garage, Moon Profit, DalIon.

Dial 61140245. FALCON, POUR DOOR STATION WAGON. MS. Automatic transmission. (rood condition.

$1.230. Dial 443-130S. ARE YOU A PLATFORM TWO WHIRL tit, trointr. excllont condition. Dial 443-2195.

CLORICAL WORK. Part-firma and full lime openings EsPerienc with office machines preferred. Wonderful employ benefils. Interviews daily 10 a en. 12 and 2 p.m.

4 mi Seers Roebuck Company, Al tendon, er. r. er. ler. Apply At 301 North Shoot Ask for, John Guacholne Flay "1101r SIOAN, INA.

ka with rad IntoriOr. Standard transmission. A vital aocond car for only t5StS. Foreign I Snorta Car Cantor, 799 Tyler 442- erea3. PO Y1411 FINEST IN USID CAPS, see Th.

Gillett Bros. It the JO Renck Route II, Washington. Dial 6234701, Becket. South Earemort, Mass. Tel.

S71-3311 pill ESTIMATING Natoe Store, Warehouse SHASTA Naval Dollars I MOW boffin COVERED WAGON Provo, trailers PAN travel trollops OIL RAY I OIREY truck tampon WHEEL CAMPER tont traitors FORD STATION WAGON, ItS4. Geed condition. V415. Otal A31.Z260, Lenox. LimOUSINS 1 PASSINOIN, teat.

Stack. Chauffeur divided. Mr conditioned. Low mileage. Good condition.

S1a.50. aa3-9151. KITCHEN HELP. Apply Ill WWI, UMW House Restaurant, Pittsfield Lino Road. Machinisf Machine Operator Machinist's Helper Quality Control Inspector EXPERIENCED KEYPUNCH OPERATOR COOPER FURNITURE STOREHOUSE, 21 Fenn M.

For convenient, clean. Sate, tire and motnsroof storage In soparfoo locked rooms at reasonable rites. Re movers, Billy, Sacco, Du Pois and Personal Truck.rig companies. Dial 4434252 for reservation. III THE Ma WIDE TRACK PONTIAC and Tempest and a huge ulection ot too used cars.

Hadded's Motor Sees. West 1420 East St. Dial 4454535. FORD COUNTRY SOUing, PASSIMGER, 4 DOOR STATION WAGON, 1962. Ve.

Cruisamatic. Power steering. Radio. Piero white Also Pas chrorne luggage rack. No rust.

$895. LEO'S AUTO SALES, at Amoco Gas Station, corner ot Henry Avenue end WOO HOUilliOniC Street. Dial 442-270. LAYOUT MAN FOR STEEL FABRICATING SHOP. Also weldor, and Philip Formal VanDeusenvIlle Road, Housatonic.

Dial 521-2210. Opportunity to learn other IBM equipment. Be willing to fill in for some procedures. Contect S. Baboorian: and Assorted Used Units (WE BUY USED UNITS) SEE THE DEALER WITH THE sharpest pencil In town.

Pets's Motors, cot, nor of Fenn arid East 51s. Dial 442-1584. GARAGE 114'sW tar storage. East St. SIGO month.

FORD (SALAMI! CONVERTIBLE, 1961. V-S, automatic. Ocod condition. 44-7590 totter a ISGOOD, DIAL 443-4418 OPTICAL PUBLISHING CO. 7 North Street Dial 499-0515 SEE THE "GOOD GUYS" tor HI good buys on One ot tbe 100 used cars and trucks at Shapiro Motors.

Your Dodge Car and Truck dealer. 4 I 1 111 Nitaokl FORD SOUIRE, U. V-1, automatic, power steering. ir-conditioning. Yellow.

On owner. Locally owned. Whittaker guarantee. WHITTAKER FORD-MERCU RY GARAGE, Stockbridge Gt. Barrington.

Dial sm-oco or 526-0710. MOBILE MANNER Tra liars and Mobile Hornig a to I Daily, I te Sunday Fri to iP P.M. Stood. Dial 442-all1 MovingPackingStorage Since 1923 STOP IN AND SEE THE now TrkimPll SPorls Cart and GMC Trucks for spa-cis' savings at Dempsey' Pontiac-Buicic Garage, Gt. Barring Ion.

Dial 5714260. AND DO YOU HAVE Above Average Earnings Advancement Opportunities PAID VACATIONS (Based on a of earnings) Company Participating Health Life Insurance 8 Paid Holidays Paid Sick Leave Overtime (Avg. 20 hrs. wk) Shift Premium PORD OALAXIE two door hardtop 1965. VI engine, automatic lion, power steering.

Ravin Auto Sales, 217 Newell 442-3260. USED CARS, 19611946. Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile. Messenger's, 707 Main Street, Dalton. Dial 6114-0373.

EXPERIENCED OFFICE WORKER NEEDED 41,1,, P4 1604, CITY OF plrrsFieLD SEWER COMMiSSION INVITATION FOR BIOS CONTRACT NO. 26 SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS TELEMETER ALARM SYSTEM Smiled bilds tor turntshing and Installing tourrnotered alarm system will be recived by Me Sewer Commission in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, City Hall, Pittsfietd, massachusens, until 10 30 A.M., EDST, Tuesdey, may 14. lea. The bids win than be taken to the sewage treatment plant, off Holmes and publicly opened arid read at 1100 A.M. The work of furnishino and Installing a telemeter alarm system consisting of frequency shift to ChMp merit behveen tour sewage pumping staVans and the treatment paint.

alarm equipment and miscellaneous electrical work. Plane and Specifications end other Contract Documents may be examined ndor obtirod at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, or at It. office of the Consulting Engineers, Camp, Dresser I. McKee, One Center Boston, Massachusetts, 021013. A deposit of $5.00 in cash or check will be required for each set of plans and specifications.

Each bidder who returns the documents in good condition within ten Mt days after the bids are received will be refunded $5.00 per set, end each isonbidder making such return Will be refunded $5.00 per set. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check for $400.00 payable to the city of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. This check will b. sublect to the conditions provided for in the Information for Bidders. All checks, except those of Me three lowest responsible and eligible bidders will be returned within fly.

days, Saturdays, Sundays, end holidays excluded after tne opening of proposals. All bid deposits will be returned on the execution of the contract, or if no award is made, within thirty days, Saturdays. Sundays and holidays excluded, after oPenind of bids. unless forfeited under the conditions stipulated In the Information for Bidders. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after the date set for the opening thereof.

The successful bidder must furnish a 100 per cent Performance Bond and a 100 Per cent Labor and Materials Bond with a surety company satisfactory to the City of Pittsfield. Complete instructions for filing bids are tncluded In the Information for Bidders. Each bidder who wishes to visit the sites (4 pumping stations and treatment plant) shall meet at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, City Hall, Pittsfield, Massachusetts at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, May 7, 1968, in order that each site can be viewed and any questions answered. The minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractor on this work shall be as fief forth In the Contract documents. The City reserves the right to waive any Informality in or to relict any or all bids or to accept any bid If deemed be in the best interests of the City to do so.

THE PINNACLE specializes in "ACE" travel trailers. All models on display. Also "SKAMPEA" Campers, and Folding Truckmount Campers, with aluml. num rooms, insulated, Vinyl folding Sides. Open every day, Sun.

at I p.m. Pinnacle Rt. 11, Adams. Reanewed used cars '65 YOU'LL SAVE A BUNDLE you pur chow your previously owned automobile from Me or Hank at Executive Auto Sales, Pittsfield-Lenox Rood, otsPosits Howard Johnson's. IMPALA SPORT COUPE.

INS. Like new. Locally owned. V4, automatic. Rim $1995.

McClintock Chevrolet, Stephen, town, N.Y. Open Monday through Fri. day to p.m. Saturday to 4 p.m. Dial CASTINE Should have knowledge of general office procedures and be able to operate NCR billing machine.

Pleasant working conditions many fringe benefits. Write stating experience and qualifications to Berkshire Eagle Box 2113. 20 Yorkshire Ave, Pittsfield, Mass. Dial 442-9564 100 PER CENT used car guarantee. Onty at Seyffer Ford Sales, 694 East Pittsfield.

Dial e43-9171. LINCOLN 1963 FOUR DOOR SEDAN. A full power luxury car at a medium price. 6179S. O'Connell Cadillac, 196 South 4434477.

WOLVERINE Pick-Up Campers EXChniVe dealer tor Berkshire County a' to IOW campers SOUTHGATI MOTORS GMC Trucks 607 West Housatonic St. Pittsfield, 4464716 Convortiblo 4-speed trans. $14C blue blue trans. 9495 IF NOT APPLY Nuclear Components Inc. Stockbridge Road Gt.

Barrington, Mass. METROPOLITAN, leSe. Excellent motor. Reasonable. Dial 684-0646, Dalton.

CLERK-TYPIST, part time. Mature wornan preferred. Hours may be arranged for right person. For Interview appointment, call Mr. R.

E. Orlon, Samson Tractor, West Lebanon, N.Y. 35101. MGB, MS. Good condition.

Dial 4t90630 or 44-520. '64 VOLKSVAGE11 blue 9195 1964 ELDORADO CAMPER. Extra wide tires, inverter. Dial 443-9369. 111 it a Ihe OLDsmomE FOUR Do OE SEDAN, 1966.

Clean. VS. Special $1995. See It at ASA Motors, 216 Fourth St. Dial 463- 5577.

Auto Accessories 13 BUICK BARGAI DAYS FLOOR HELP MG experience needed. 35 hOur week, paid holidays. Starting to Make Villager, Fall 1968 coats. INTERVIEWS 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M.

Monday Friday We Are An Equal Opportunity Employer AUTO SPRINGS far all makes of cars. Largest stock in the city. Geller Auto Parts. 112 Church St. DIM 442-41124.

OLDSMOBILE "911" FOUR DOOR HARM, TOP 1966. Full power, vinyl top. $2695. Sam's Auto Sales, ICE West Housatonic St. 442-3244.

'64 CHEVROLET APPLY MULLEN MAYFLOWER AUTO SEAT COVERS AND convertible tops. Custom made auto upholstering. Insurance estimates on auto tiro damge. KEN'S AUTO UPHOLSTERING. 105 West Housatonic St.

Dial 4474226. KEN WHITMORE COAT FACTORY 16 OAK STREET OLDSMOBILE 98, 1963. 4 door $ports sedan, full power. Clean. 81,000 Dial 443-6813.

OLDSMOBILE SUPER St POUR DOOR HOLIDAY HARDTOP, 1964. Power. Excellent condition. See and save. Dial 698-2236.

Convortibitt V-8 Powerglide, power steering, green 9495 It Only Tooku A Minvis To Got A Bitter Dill At Serving People eri the Move Since 1280 499-0815 or 443-0864 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW being taken for fun or part time help. Available hours 11-3 or 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Must be 1S or Older. Contact Mr.

Fred De Ilee, 442-9015, McDonald's Drive in, 6 Cheshire Road. BEARING SPECIALISTS. Timken, Feder. al, MRC, New Departure, SKF, Fafnir and Hyatt. Hercules motors and parts.

Raynor's Bearings and Supplies 390. Fenn Street 445-5621. HAIRDRESSER. Excellent opportunity. Blue Cross, holidays, etc.

Robert To Ivo Hair Design, or cell 637-2071. PONTIAC GTO HARDTOP, 1965. 335 hp, 4 speed. Dial 443-3056. Painting, Papering 26 PONTIAC GTO, 'IOW Four nowt $3295 Dial Cheshire 743-5276.

1 1 MUFFLERS, TAIL PIPES, EXHAUST pipes. Largest stock in city. Geller Auto Parts, 112 Church St. Dial 4424124. BRAKE AND FRONT END MECHANIC.

5 day Week. Salary plus bonus. All fringe benefits. Apply to manager, Fire. stone Store, Ill South Street, Pittsfield.

LINDSAY CHEVROLET Sat South Proof Dial 4434573 HAIRDRESSER OR OPERATOR, full or part time. Salary and commission. Blue Cross. Excellent working conditions. Kut 'N Kurl Beauty Salon, Dial 442.

2111, or 447-9276. EXPERIENCED PAINTERS. Outside. Free estimates. Reasonable.

Dial 442- 0142, PLYMOUTH 1 DOOR HARDTOP, 1963. Excellent condition. Best offer. 499-1855 after 5. Auto Ports.

Tires 13A EXTERIOR PAINTING. Reasonable. Esti mates given anytime. Dial 443-9048. DRAFTSMEN, ENGINEERS.

Civil, sanitary, -architectural. Permanent positions. Cell Pittsfield 413-4484268 for interview. NURSES' AIDES. ALL SHIFTS.

Paid vacations and holidays. Call 528-1920, Monterey, before 4 p.m. PONTIAC, 1,67. BONNEVILLE. BROUGHAM.

4 Deer Hardtop. Full power- 000 miles. 442-8642. AUTO PARTS. Late model engines, Including 327 Chevrolets.


DIAL 445-4715, 443-0113. SEWER COMMISSION, JOHN F. DANIELS, Acting Chairman. IRVIN F. ROSSI, JOHN F.

FRASER, EDWIN K. WELZ, ALFRED S. BRADLEY, GEORGE RUSSO, PITTSFIELD SEWER COMMISSION, April 23, 1968. WE WILL GO FARTHER TO PUT YOU INTO ANEW 1968 BUICK Charlie DeBlois Holland Geer Leo Jordon Tulio Montini Harry Ricci Chet Sarrnuk I Professional Services 28 Motorcycles, Bicycles 15 BONANZA MINI BIKES, $14415 up. Plies and service.

ADAMS BARGAIN CENTER, in Columbia St. Adams 743-1462. 1962 CADILLAC Convertible. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, full Dower. BRIDGESTONE SALES AND SERVICE.

Also all types of mini-bikes in stack. Berkshire Service Center, Route Cheshire Rost Dial 4424723. $1395 COMMERCIAL PHOTO ENGRAVING OFFSET Photography and Platemaking DIAL 447-7311 Extension 54 BRIDGESTONE MOTORCYCLE, 1966. 175cc. Dial 445,5180.

BULTACO MATADOR. 1967. 1500 miles. In good condition. $600.

Dial 447-9515. Ask About ZIEBART HARLEY DAVIDSON, Yamaha, Bo Race. 1968 Harley Davidson XLCH now In stock. Ronnla's Cycle $ales li Serike, 767 East Dial 443-0638. Television Service 283 NODAKA AND JAWA Cl.

ere fun me. torcycles. See them at Jack's Cycle Shoe, Old State Road, Berkshire Village, Dial 4424221. AUTO-TRUCK RUSTPROOFING Guaranteed 5 Years Or 50,000 Mlles WILLIAM B. BULL SONS, Inc.

CHEVROLET LENOX BYPASS, LENOX, DIAL 637,76024 OPEN EVENINGS LJ tftm.1 1. 7' '-wrctlrit Trt 1-'c''t 'Fffl corwiltivo hit; 1.1 'it Iiii i to 11, irl rt 'r ":1 4 rli: 1:: i i 1 1 1 1 kl r-----L! 7 -1, r-1 F-1 fer7 I 1 1 'ill i 'i I I 1 1 1, 1. 1 -z --If 4'. A CARTIER'S EXPERT TV SERVICE on all makes of TVs. HI-F1's, stereo phonographs and stereo tapes.

Rental and installation. Cartier's, 127 Wahconah St. 442-9426. LIcense No. 4215.

HONDA, 92 miles, with Went. Dial 443- ,4261 after p.m. COMMONWEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Proposals for the construction of a boat ramp and parking area, at Pontoesuc Lake, In the City of Pittsfield (Pmlect value 0.34) will be received at Room 439, 100 Nashua Street, Boston, Massachusetts, until 2:00 P.M, Tuesday, May 14, 1968 and at that time publicly opened and read In the auditorium on the fourth floor. Proposal guaranty: payable to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works. A bid bond In said amount will be acceptable.

The "Request for Proposal Forms" (Form R-109) must be properly filled out and submitted to The above address, accompanied by which upon approval ntities him to receive a book of project specifications with proposal and a set of plans. Money refundable to formal bid. dare. informational copies of project plans and specifications may be obtained If desired, at S5.00; this charge not refundable. All the aforeinentioned charges shall be prepaid either with cash, or cashier's check, money order or certl.

fled check drawn to the order of Masse. chusetts Department of Public Works. Complete Information at said office; plane on display at the Department's Division of Waterways, Roam 532. Minimum wage and clump-truck rates for this project have been predetermined by law. Proposals that do not have the devil' (of non-collusion, etc.) properly completed will be declared Informal.

Right reserved to waive any Informality I. or reject any or all proposals. An award will not be mad to a Contractor who Is not equipped Undertake end complete the work. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, EDWARD J. RIBBS, Commissioner.

HONDA HAWK, INS, 150ee, $395. Honda Super, lt66, 90cc, $225, Pas extras. 698- 2250. COMPLETE SERVICE TV, RADIO, HI-FI, phonographs. All calls accepted will be completed the same day.

Rea. sonable rates, qualified men. Melody House, 46 West Street. Dial 442-5724. LIcense No.

5092. SAVEBUY NOW! A few 11167 models left over, Berkshire Suzuki, Lenox Road, across from Overhead Door. SEE THE laat TRIUMPH and GREEVES now on display at Torn's Cycle Cantor, $3 First St. Dial 442-3209. FRANK'S TV RCA, 0.E., DUMONT, COLOR TV GUARANTEED SERVICE, ALL MAKES COLOR SPECIALISTS and black and white.

272 Newell St. Dial 2-0177 Mass. License No. 7015. 1967 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 Door Sedan.

V-8, Automatic Transmission. $2450 ASK ABOUT ZIEBART BUCKS 1966Buick Electra 225 Convertible, 1121195 1966Buick Wildcat Sedan, $2295 1965Buick Wildcat Sedan, 11895 1965-8uick Wildcat Convertible, $1995 1963Buick Electra 225 Sedan, $1095 1963Buick Le Sabre 4-Door Hardtop, 11095 1962Buick Special coupe, $695 1960Buick Le Sabr 4-Door sedan, $445 OTHER MAKES 1963Chevrolet Impala Sedan, $895 1962Chevrolet BelAir Wagon, $695 1964Ford Country Squire Wagon, $1395 1963Ford Galaxis sedan $695 1965Jeep Wagoneer, auto. $1695 1963Jeep CJ5, $895 1961Jeep CJS with plow, S895 1966Mustang hardtop coupe, $1595 1965Opel station wagon, $895 1964Opel Station Wagon, $795 1963Pontlac Grand Prix, $2295 1963Rambler Classic Wagon, 1966Volkswagen sedan, 61395 AS TRADED, NO WARRANTY 1962Chavrolat wagon, $795 11162Corveir $295 1961Ford Futura, $495 1961Mercury Cornet 2-dr. hardt014 $495 1961Mrcury Comet 2-dr. sedan, 11395 1960Oldsmobile sedan, $395 1962Pontiac Tempest Wagon, 1195 1962Rambltr station wagon, $195 STOP IN AND SEE THE NEW OSSA MOTORCYCLE at Greylock Cycle, Oil Merrill Road.

(Texaco Station). 447-95711. GILLETTE'S TV SERVICE FOR ALL makes. Franchised Zenith dealer. TV rentals.

17 Elm St. Dial 442-9728. Mass. License No. 286.

TRIUMPH, 1866 650cc. Race Ilant condi. Hon. MOO. 4584016 after 5 p.m, VESPA MOTOR SCOOTER.

Scc. Good condition. $125. 442-645e. AUTO-TRUCK RUSTPROOPING Guaranteed 5 Years ar 50,000 Miles WILLIAM B.

BULL SONS, Inc. 1 wheel covers deluxe seat and trim door-mounted courtesy lights Dan Gurney decal 't rl tqltiqt(ttittt NIV.Si,:',"n" et('-or trim doer-mounted u-oune3y pgriTS "rttro! Dan Gurney deCal LUSSIERIS TELEVISION AND ANTENNA SERVICE Dial 443-0208, 9 to 9 LICENSE NO. 537 YAMAHA 100ce 1944, Extra caroms, $300 or best otter. Dial 442-2421 or 443-9963. II ii A srEau white 15iciewall tires Coofol mirror I rrret I I rrrt t-tread white all tires mirror Auto Repairing 16 April V.

1968. CM! VIOLET LENOX GYPASS, LENOX, DIAL S374124 OPEN EVENINGS 1.4ced c-T MARLEY'S ANTENNA end televillion service. We'll climb In any kind of weather. Free estimates. Dial 142-1106.

Mau. License No. 7045. POWER BRAKES INSTALLED on your car, $55 and up. Stapleton, 1450 East Streit.

Dial 444246 any time. 1.1 MICK'S TV. Symphonic Service Station. Expert service on-all makes, TV and 443-0269. Business Services- 18 Plus all 01 Cougar's equipment like deep bucket serifs, hilltAl headlamps, se- quePtial rear tum and wati-to-watt carpettng Come in and ask to see this clef COeZ3f I champion driver Dan Gotneyl 7 Pius ail Of Cougaes standard equtpment like deep b-ucket hediamps, se- 1 gutItal rear tin and wati-to-watt carpettng Come in and eel( see tilts spe cial Coe; 3f -u ty champion driver Dan Gotneyl WELDING, electric end acetylene worts-Die equipment.

call Farrell Gregory, 114 East St. Dlei 4434729. ZENITH TELEVISION AND RADIO SERVICE. We service Only what we sell. Mass.

License No. 306. Why not buy the best 'from the best! Mol lour 4,44 North St. Dial 44.5-56.5t. EA LISTEN To our daily specials! ON THE WBEC TRADING POST p.m.

LOW OVERHEAD PRICES COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BERKSHIRE, SS. PROBATE COURT Ye all persons interested In the estate of JAMES P. PIELTON, late of Dalton, in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court tor probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by First Agricultural National ank et otit*hire County, of Pittsfield, Ito the County of Berkshire, Praying that It be appointed executor thereof without giving a surety on its bond. It you desire to obiect thereto you or your attorney should file a written aoP aarerteo In said Court at Pittsfield, before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the seventh cloy of May, ItSI, the return day of this citation.

Witness, F. Anthony Hanlon, Esoutre, ohictoe of said Court, this fourth day of 19411. Contracting 19 Irchard uick, Inc. Radio stereo service 22C I I A 'FATHER AND SONS wMt rears of ow parlance will raoair or build reftling largo or small. Dial 6234372.

CITIZENS BAND RADIO Sales and Sere. Ice. New and used. Toms Cyclo Center, 53 FIrst Street Dial 442-3209. plitUCE WENDLING, contractor.

Sacidoso and truck work. Static repairs. loww connoctions, 041 443-511a. Open Evenings SEE Ill 1 IT! 171 II; SEE IT! IT! 1,71 IT! I Cal An Expert 29 IT. Alla tot7' 4., No 526 ST.

.6" ,,) a ap, I sr 1 tir .0 526 ST. 4 ERNEST P. MARCHiS10. Name imatiaalo moms, matt. Attics arid collar nortaus roams, Estimating Silvan.

Dial 44-7327. LEO'S AUTO SALES, INC. Corner of Henry Avenu West Housatonic Street DIAL 442-2769 ALL FLOORS SAN010 AND REFIN ISNED Nevi Eno land icor SAeseehlti Co. Chef konikor, 443-6095 or 44247 AS. SUMIC PSI.

NICU POOPLII TO DO BUSINESS WITH VII DALTON AVE. DIAL 4434011 HI SOUTH MISSY DIAL 44-11146 JAMES W. CARMAN, Register. Vivermrs Derishte. 11 worslipli Aviv, totttsfivd, Moss.

'RCPMINS, DRIVEWAY REPAIRS AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL William. CanatriliCtiaft Stockbr lam Moss. Tel. AUTOMOTIVII RAINATOR REPAIRS. CertiPIety "seater service.

Sitt000il, Cove St. Mi 44.7611. 1 1 1 I.

The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.